When you tag the authentication device of the Nemo Album (NFC TYPE) on the back of an Android phone, specific apps like mobile browsers or banking apps might run instead of the Nemoz app, making it difficult to activate.

This is because you have set the App as default while using another type of NFC card or device on your smartphone. In this case, when the authentication device is tagged to the back of the smartphone, the previously set specific app runs instead of the Nemoz app, making it difficult to activate the Nemo Album.

If a specific app keeps running when you tag the authentication device, please set it as follows:

Let's assume that the specific app that keeps running is Samsung Internet.

The settings method may vary depending on the Android model and version. If you have difficulty with the settings, please contact us through the 1:1 inquiry on the Nemoz app.

For devices released after Android 11 (such as Android 12), press the search button at the top right of the settings and search for Default Apps. Select Default Apps, then select Opening Links.

For Android 11 and later: Select Default Apps > Open Links

For Android 11 and later: Select Default Apps > Open Links


For versions prior to Android 11, the approach may vary slightly.

Settings > Search for Default Apps > Opening Links (Android 10)

Settings > Search for Default Apps > Default Apps > Set as Default (Android 9)

Android 10 Default Apps > Opening Links

Android 10 Default Apps > Opening Links

Android 9 Default Apps > Set as Default

Android 9 Default Apps > Set as Default

You will then see a list of apps that can open links. Here, select the specific app (Samsung Internet) and press the remove button for Clear Defaults.

링크를 열 수 있는 앱.jpg


Now, when you touch the authentication device to the back of the phone, the specific app (Samsung Internet) will not run automatically, and you can choose the Nemoz app.

Thank you.